Ordering Process: Once your order is placed it's then submitted. After acknowledgement of the order and funds, the order is processed. Items will be shipped up to 2-3 business days after they are ordered during business hours and excluding holidays. Once the order is shipped tracking information is sent and it takes estimated 3-4 business days additional to make it to the US. 7-10 days (may be processed and shipped sooner)
(1) All items are currently shipped via USPS priority mail. Shipping price is calculated at checkout, some items are required Signature confirmation. Priority mail shipping requires 2-4 business days for delivery after it shipped, in addition to a signature upon delivery*. Shipping confirmation and tracking number is available via email as soon as your order leaves our facility. Billing and shipping address must be the same.
***Please note once package is received by USPS, we are no longer responsible for the delivery of your order. This responsibility is on United State Postal Service (800-275-8777)
(2) Express Shipping Policy HAIR STUDIO & Co. offers 1-2 day shipping for $28.00 (after processing time). This shipping method automatic includes insurance ($100 value) and signature confirmation at no additional charge. (May receive next day by 12:00 pm, depending on location)
(3) International/ Worldwide shipping is not available at this time.
Billing and shipping address must be the same. If you have any questions concerning ordering feel free to e-mail at: